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West Washtenaw
Business Association


These are the committees defined within Washtenaw Business Association . Click the view members link or the committee name to see a list of committee members. If visible for a committee, click the More info to view additional information about the committee. If there are subcommittees, a list of subcommittees will be displayed. Click on the name of the subcommittee to view the members.
Perform yearly audit of organization financials.
Board members are the fiduciaries who steer the organization towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance and financial management policies, as well as by making sure the nonprofit has adequate resources to advance its mission. The Board meets the second Thursday of the month via Zoom at 8 AM.
Design and send newsletters and WWBA emails, coordinate Member Spotlights and monthly blog, send reminder postcards, maintain website. They meet the second Wednesday of month online at 8:00 AM - email for meeting link.
Monitor government affairs that affect member businesses
Recruit new members, retain current members, follow up with non-active members, creates bi-annual printed member directory. They meet the third Wednesday of month at 4:00, just prior to the monthly After Hours Event.
Facilitates annual awards process and annual board election
Plan and organize events. They meet the first Tuesday of month at Uptown Coney at 8:00 AM.